NSG 511_ Week 3 Assignment

NSG 511_ Week 3 Assignment



Using Self-Transcendence







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The Self-transcendence Theory

The self-transcendence theory was developed in 1990 by Pamela Reeds. The theory was widely based on the path of deductive reformulation, a strategy that Reeds acquired from her professors at Wayne State University (Reed & Haugan, 2021). Reed took Martha E. Roger’s conceptual system that explains the unified human being and utilized life span developmental psychology for restructuring a mid-range theory for adult social-cognitive and transpersonal development, which was derived deductively from a nursing conceptual model (Reed & Haugan, 2021). Since the theory is an abstract concept, it is crucial to locate the specific concept within it to ensure its meaning and empirical support are well facilitated.

Self-transcendence in nursing is described as a process that promotes human’s well-being (Haugan et al., 2020). The concept’s relevance in nursing is due to its salience for wellness in health-related contexts, particularly life-challenging. Self-transcendence is linked to vulnerability and well-being (Haugan et al., 2020). Self-transcendence is a resource for well-being that becomes particularly notable during events of vulnerability that diminish overall well-being. Haugan et al. (2020) further state that other situational and individual concepts, such as ethnicity, gender, and age, may influence the relationship between vulnerability, self-transcendence, and overall well-being.

A Vulnerable Situation

As an advanced practice nurse, I would face various vulnerable situations. For example, a vulnerable situation that an advanced practice nurse might face is one in which a patient, family, or even a colleague is dealing with a life-altering health diagnosis. A wide range of physical or emotional experiences presents a sense of vulnerability, especially in situations that are life-threatening or those that lead to or involve death. Examples of such include traumatic events, and chronic illnesses, among others. Such situations are described as vulnerable, and as Haugan et al. (2020) state, advanced nurse practitioners are responsible for offering patients support and care while dealing with these situations. In this situation, the nurse must be prepared to

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