Module 3 Assignment _Case Study/Policy Paper

Online Topical Readings:  Read and listen to the online lecture material on the following topics.
Please read closely the first 4 pages of Singleton and McLeod-Sordjan and complete the chapter from McFarlane (all attached above). For some of you this may be a review from your undergraduate education, but this reading includes information that is critical to understand.
Please explore the topics and objectives in Healthy People 2020/2030 and Health People NJ 2020 along with the NJSHAD Indicator Reports. In these readings, please be careful about the concepts of benchmarks (health achievement goals) – this will be part of what you willwell be asked to incorporate in your Case Study/Policy Paper.
Please review the first 8 pages, at a minimum of: National Partnership for Action to End Health Disparities: Toolkit for Community Action.
Module 3 directed response forum will have three components in part A (part B is your response to a peer). Please choose and state a focus area, or objective from either Healthy People 2020/2030 or Healthy People (HP) New Jersey 2020. Alternatively, you may wish to choose a New Jersey State Health Assessment Data (NJSHAD) Health Indicator. Based on that choice please respond to the following:
A1. Please discuss what you feel to be the determinants of health most relevant to this health concern. You should strive here to include points supported by analytical epidemiological data, but you may also include hypotheses (one paragraph) AND
A2. Please discuss which recommendation(s) from the United States Preventative Services Task force (USPSTF) for clinical preventive services are most relevant to this health concern. If you feel that there is not a relevant USPSTF recommendation please provide rationale. Please give the URL for the relevant page(s) in the USPSTF web site (one paragraph


Case Study/Policy Paper





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Case Study/Policy Paper

Module 3 directed response forum would have three components in part a (part B is your response to a peer). Please choose and state a focus area or objective from either Healthy People 2020/2030 or Healthy People (HP) New Jersey 2020. Alternatively, you may wish to choose a New Jersey State Health Assessment Data (NJSHAD) Health Indicator. Based on that choice, please respond to the following:

The selected health indicator from the New Jersey State Health Assessment Data (NJSHAD) is violence and homicide. Ideally, homicide is a subset of violence as it is death resulting from intentionally using force on another person, community, or group. The NJSHAD focuses on violence and homicide as significant public health concerns in the United States, as they are the third leading cause of death, especially among the youth. According to NJSHAD (2020), violence is the second leading cause of death among persons aged 25 – 29 and the third leading cause of death among people aged 15 and 24 in New Jersey. In New Jersey, deaths from homicide often vary based on people’s racial composition. For example, between 2016 and 2018, African Americans had high homicide rates, followed by Hispanics (NJSHAD, 2020). In this regard, African American males aged between 15 and 19 are at the highest risk of homicide.

A1. Please discuss what you feel to be the determinants of health most relevant to this health concern. You should strive here to include points supported by analytical epidemiological data, but you may also include hypotheses

Considering the health concern of violence and homicides, social determinants of health can be determined by

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